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Vega Discover

Vega Discover



377 results found

  1. So far, the only way we have of distinguishing materials in the catalog for our Chinese speakers that are written in Traditional Chinese vs. Simplified Chinese is by their place of publication. Titles published in mainland China (008 position 15-17 is "cc") are different from titles published in Taiwan (008 position 15-17 is "ch"). We would like to see place of publication added as a facet for this reason.

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  2. When I check to see how many copies of an Overdrive title the library has, you can only see how many holds have been placed on that title, but not how many copies there are. This causes confusion because it seems like the library has no copies of that title. In the attached picture example, you can see that the 'Atomic Habits' eAudiobook has 48 holds on it, but it says there are no copies. There are actually 5 copies. This issue is true with every Overdrive title, except for when the title is available to check out.

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  3. Allow Libraries to select the order that the facets display in the Refine panel of the search results. Ordering should be allowed at the Main and Site Levels. Main Vega Discover facet order should cascade to the sites unless overridden by a site level configuration.

    Some facets are really important to searching and should be ranked higher. For us the format is the most important facet. That may not be true everywhere. Consortia are more concerned with collecection and location, so we need to have the ability to organice the facets as we could in Encore

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  4. We received an idea to possibly redesign the "Find a Copy" menu so that viewing shelf locations would no longer need the user to click the library that they are searching for resulting in two clicks to see that information.

    "You have to click on the library name itself in order to get a full picture of where an item is. It's an extra unnecessary step"

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  5. We'd like to be able to look back and see what we promoted on Vega Homepage (esp. if we promised promotion for something).

    With scheduled homepage layouts (, we would like to keep track of what showcase blocks we have scheduled in the future as well as those already published (past events), ideally viewable in a way (table?) with what is included in the Showcase Block Settings - for example, title, start date and time, end date and time. This would be exportable as a .csv file. A minimum of time that Vega would keep published blocks would…

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  6. We would like to see the Material Type (from Polaris) for each item in the Find a Copy view (attached) like it displays in the current PAC (attached).

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  7. We would like too add more sorting options to Vega Discover when on the results screen after doing a search. The options that are listed above for example will help with bringing the most relevant titles to the top of the results based on the user's searching preferences. This will promote giving users more options for better discovery.

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  8. Consider enlarging the (x) and (check) symbols when indicating if a library's copy is available.

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  9. We conducted a test search for the following book title term:

    fable haven
    (The actual book / series title is Fabelhaven)

    It returns 13 results in our catalog, none of which are Fablehaven, nor did it suggest a “Did you mean fablehaven?" (Searching "fable haven" in quotes as an exact search returns 0 results, as it should).

    It seems that the Vega search engine should be able to find relevant search results when this term is combined into one word, or should at least suggest “Did you mean fablehaven” in the case of searching fable haven as two words and…

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  10. When doing a title search, search results that have the search term in the title should have a higher relevancy than those that have the search term in the subtitle.

    For example, when doing a title search for "thriller" in our catalog, two of the first three results have thriller in the title. You have scroll through over a hundred more search results before you find another item titled "Thrillers" and another page of results before you find another result specifically titled "Thriller" The rest of the results have thriller in the subtitle.

    If there is an exact title match…

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  11. Please allow us to enter dates to schedule an announcement post to go up on a certain date and also allow us to enter an unpublishing date to have it drop off. This is a must when a library needs to use time-sensitive announcements, including planned facility issues or any number of these.

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  12. We have noticed several instances where unrelated titles roll-up together. We have noticed it the most in travel books. It seems to be a problem whenever we don't use a 1XX Marc Fields in a record and several items have the same 245, or in records where the 1XX field and 245 are the same but are in fact different books. Travel books are a problem, but I've seen this in items where there is a adult and juvenile or teen version of an item, where a classic book has a graphic novelization or even in two completely unrelated items…

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  13. REQUEST: We use Polaris and our old catalog showed the number of renewals remaining/available for patrons. We've heard from patrons and staff that this would be appreciated versus the current view (number of renewals taken). Thanks for considering!

    Job Story
    As a user, I see the number of renewals remaining from the My Bookshelf Checkouts tab. 

    Acceptance Criteria
    When looking at the Checkouts tab of My Bookshelf: 
    Replace "Renewed X times" with "X Renewals remaining" 
    Show the number of renewals remaining from Polaris
    Add a translation string to the translation file for all languages.

    From original idea:

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  14. Add contributors, such as translator, illustrator or foreword author to the edition bib-frame info "i" window to better distinguish between different editions of a title. Most people are likely looking for contributors when choosing between editions.

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  15. Displaying the full title (245) including the statement of responsibility (subfield ǂc) will help users identify additional contributors associated with a title.

    There are also sometimes additional titles within this part of the field. Subfield ǂc includes all information following the first slash.


    The point less taken / ǂc Geoffrey Young. Some trees / Lucas Reiner.

    Shock shop. ǂn Volume one, ǂp Something in the woods, in the dark / ǂc written by Cullen Bunn ; art by Danny Luckert ; letters by Nate Piekos of Blambot. Familiars / written by Cullen Bunn ; art by Leila Leiz ;…

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  16. It's possible this could be resolved with the new VPAT update but I have had a number of patrons tell us that our catalog was broken because they didn't see the cookie notification in the footer. Something more obvious/eye-catching (see Worldcat) might be better.

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  17. When looking at an item record in Vega Discover, patrons should be able to right click on titles to open in a new tab (e.g., in the list of You May Also Like, Related Resources, Topics, etc.). Right now, patrons have to click on the title to open the record, see if we have it and where it's located. If they want to look at another title, they have to use the back button then wait for the page to refresh again, scroll down, and repeat.

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  18. With the Hoopla integration turned on, Hoopla records don't roll up with everything else (it looks like it's because the ingested records have the author as First Name Last Name instead of Last Name, First Name).

    If we get an API ingested record for a Hoopla item we already have a MARC record for, we end up with a duplicate in Vega.

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  19. Most OverDrive titles beginning with an article (The, A, An) do not rollup properly due to Metadata not identifying a skip on these characters. As a main feature of Discover, it is frustrating that such a large amount of titles do not rollup with properly cataloged physical materials.

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  20. When a user clicks on the new Selection boxes for bulk holds, then clicks to the next page to view more search results, the selected titles do not persist. I would expect to be able to page through and add titles across all of the pages of the search before choosing to Place Holds.

    If the selections are limited to a single page of the search results, there should be a warning or prompt when you click to a subsequent page that gives you the option to place your holds before losing them.

    Ideally, your selections should be maintained across…

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