415 results found
8 votes
13 votes
9 votes
Add the item barcode to the Checkouts in My Bookshelf
Some of our patrons, those who are teachers or book club leaders, for example, borrow multiple copies of the same title on their library account. They need to control the return of such materials and do so by barcode. Unfortunately, Vega Discover doesn't display the item barcode in the Checkouts information in My Bookshelf. Please add the item barcode# to the Checkouts data in My Bookshelf.
15 votes -
Denote items from Reading History in catalog search
It could help patrons with extensive reading histories (e.g. patrons using outreach services for retirement homes etc.) improve their discovery journey when they are logged in, if items from their reading history were somehow denoted in search results as, for example, "already borrowed" or "borrowed in the past".
31 votes -
No Results - Customize Messaging/Offer Alternatives
When a patron gets no results and gets either the "did you mean?" or the search tips pages, would like a way to include some customized links to other options/services we offer, for example, our Interlibrary Loan and our Book Match services. Many patrons have no idea that if we don't own a title, we can get it for them via ILL. Or if they are just searching on a topic and not getting anything, perhaps our Book Match service may do the trick. Or just to tell users to speak with a reference librarian.
26 votes -
Show public notes and urls from item records in Vega.
Show public notes and urls from item records in Vega. We have many items with information in public notes and urls in our Sierra system and they do not show in Vega. We would like them to show up for the patrons to see.
37 votes -
Customize the patron search results experience even further
Grid View is soon to be launched. However, we have patrons who would prefer to have a 'text-like' view of search results, making it easy to browse quickly through what now represent pages and pages of results. Make it a customizable feature for patrons to be able to opt to view a textual results list. (perhaps this will also be easier for those requiring screen readers)
10 votes -
My Bookshelf Personal Lists option to view in text format v.s. Images
In the My Bookshelf Area, which includes Checkouts, Holds, Bookmarks, Saved Lists, Reading History and Showcases, it can be cumbersome for those patrons with large lists to view them. Patrons (and staff) are missing the ability to view multiple titles without having to scroll and would like the option to view these lists in a text format instead of what is currently available.
39 votes -
Ability to remove a title from My Reading History
Patrons would like to be able to remove a title from their reading history. (one by one ideally, though in a batch using check marks would work). Sometimes patrons borrow something and never get the time to read it and/or change their minds and never read it...
75 votes -
Add a Sort by Date Hold Placed to the My Bookshelf display of Holds
Patrons are accustomed to viewing their holds in order of the date the hold was placed. Ideally, they would want this as the default, but we thought it might be better to give patrons an option of how these display by adding the date the hold was placed to the Sort feature in Holds in MyBookshelf.
32 votes -
Add a 'Day' option for New Materials
Currently, we can refine our search for New Materials to: week, month, quarter, year. We are accustomed to seeing new materials catalogued within a day. Please add 'Day' to the Select Period options in the New Materials limiter.
9 votes -
Show Sierra patron messages in Vega
We would like the Sierra pop-up messages to show in the patron account in Vega. We use these messages to communicate with customers. As much of our services are now self-service, we need a way to communicate with them as they don't come to the desk.
8 votes -
Increase Access Controls for Vega Discovery
Please add the ability for libraries to add their own permission groups with specific level of controls set by administrators, or build more granular permission groups. Currently, administration level access is required to do many of the features explained to us for showcase approves and Vega Homepage displays.
We do not want to give all of our librarians "admin" level and "staff" is not high enough to make our day to day work possible.
80 votes -
Add the ability to refine results by genre in Vega
Currently in Vega, patrons cannot search by genre (655 tag). The ability to search or refine by genre would be really helpful, since patrons could then more easily search for genres such as "Picture books" or "Science fiction."
57 votesPlease note that an AUDIENCE Facet already exists in Vega and can be turned on in the staff admin.
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