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  1. In Picklist, when you click deny next to a checked INN-Reach item, it disappears from the picklist. If the item is being denied because it was not on the shelf, we need a way to mark it as missing but can't get back to it when it disappears.

    If we open the item record to change the status to missing and then return to picklist to check it and mark it missing, we get the attached error. Can you add another picklist view for items marked Denied so that staff have an easy way to do follow up? Thanks for…

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  2. In a consortium setting or just a large, multi-branch, library system, the most efficient hold preference setting may not be the same for both sequences.

    We currently have to pick the hold preference setting that is necessary to meet our consortium’s policies in the secondary sequence, but is redundant in the primary sequence. It would improve patron experience and reduce unnecessary shipping if we could impose different settings for each of the sequences.

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  3. Calls to a patron to notify them of books on hold can't be added to Polaris.

    It would be especially helpful if we could manually add notifications (even if we manually email a patron) and the appropriate reason/time into the notifications history. I've seen a "dated notes" suggestion here but don't feel these are the same.

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  4. Our Polaris Staff Client has the option to scan a patron's driver's license to autofill their registration information. It would be great for Polaris Leap to also have this feature.

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  5. Patrons set up "saved search results" and can receive email notifications on a regular basis.

    Unfortunately the language within those emails are misleading for patrons where the top of the email says "New items of interest at your library" , the middle of the message "The following saved searches returned these new results", but then at the bottom of the email the message says "this search found no new results" (See pictures). When reaching out to customer support reps, they informed us this is hard coded and cannot be changed in sysadmin or language editor.

    In a future upgrade, it…

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  6. Patrons don't have much options when paging through many pages of search results and have requested the ability to navigate through page numbers. As an example, if there are 100 page results, patrons can only go to next page, last page, first page or previous page. They want to be able to manually enter a page number (for example page 72) to go to that page of results. Switching to total results per page default from 10 to 100 doesn't help with a large number of results.

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  7. I love the New Holds function in Leap. It makes it easy to place lots of holds for a customer in a single session when you know exact info and they are fine getting it later. With this feature though, you have no way to easily see WHERE copies of a title are or what their status is or details about WHAT you are placing a hold on. It would be great if there was a way to link to or preview bib info and item details (such as circ status and location) so you know if you even need…

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  8. Ability to have Polaris/LEAP send patrons an eReceipt for items they've returned.

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  9. It would be useful for administrators and reporting if item records were not physically deleted from the database. Maybe the introduction of an additional item record status that leaves the record in the database but excludes it from all aspects but reporting and administrator access?

    In our case we need to report periodically on item records being deleted. Once the record has been double deleted by a branch, I can no longer see it in Polaris, so I am relying upon spreadsheets captured at different points in time to capture the necessary data. Having a status of "logically deleted" could…

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  10. We allow our Pages to check in items. In order to give them access they get access to Circulation control. That access is giving them access to both check out and check in of items. We would like to limit that access to only allow for check in and not check out. There seems to be a separate permission for the check in dialog box but nothing for check out and check out needs to be blocked for our Page group access.

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  11. Currently the preview screen in Client and the Bibliographic level statistics screen in Leap provides circulation by Owning Branch. It would be more helpful in determining where a title is popular (and more useful for acquisitions) to have this data based on Loaning Branch. Use on a specific copy would still be accessible on the item record. If circulation by loaning branch can't be provided there, having it accessible elsewhere from the Bib record would be great.

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  12. Currently, there are two options for handling postal codes, which I like to term: “Wild West” and “In Lock Down”. The postal codes are collected and managed within the Postal Code table in Administration>Explorer>Database Tables. Staff functionality is governed by the permission Patron registration: Modify postal address fields.
    The Wild West option is to allow staff the permission to enter any address information provided by patrons, resulting in a table populated with a lot of incorrect city/town to postal code data. This way lies madness and continuous clean-up.

    On the other hand, removing the permission from staff logins, puts them…

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  13. Currently, a patron's current charges (for fines, etc.) can be listed on their emailed checkout receipts, but not on their printed checkout receipts. It would be very useful for patrons if the printed checkout receipts could also include this information.

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  14. Currently, when a patron is placing a request for ILL via OCLC in the Polaris PAC, Polaris offers a "local item" to hold if the item is in the local Polaris database. Unfortunately, I have just learned from my Site Manager it is only checking title/author to suggest a match, not format. We have seen the PAC suggest a "local item" for different format (DVD when a Blu-Ray is requested; regular print when a large print is requested) in addition to different item entirely (a remake of a movie when the original is requested; a tv adaptation when a feature…

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  15. LEAP: Allow sending items to an item record set from a patron record "Out / Renew" screen

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  16. i would love to see the ability to search by birthdate by just typing in the birthday without triple clicking

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  17. Per the Polaris support team as of September 2023, SIP2 only supports communication about holds where the associated item is in "Held" status. Holds requests in other statuses are 'invisible' to third-party services communicating with Polaris through SIP. When I brought this up, our site manager recommended putting in an enhancement request. Apparently there were some older ones on IdeaLab that have not been carried over to Idea Exchange.

    I was skeptical that there would be anything Clarivate could do from within an ILS to make this change since it sounded like a SIP limitation rather than an ILS limitation,…

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  18. We would like to be able to save a scanned copy of a patron registration card to our patron's record. Louisiana is passing a law on content restrictions that requires us to store this information as well as any signed waivers. It would be convenient to be able to scan and save this information directly to a patron's account rather than dump all the saves into a cloud storage platform.

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  19. After selecting a title and clicking on the Availability button, a list of items is shown with their check out status. On that screen it would be great if there was a check box to turn on a filter that would only show the checked in statuses. Currently, the customer sees a very long list of checked out items and may not see the one item that is available to have now.

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  20. Idea Value:
    In Circulation Request Manager include the option to be able to export every ILL Request from every branch location at once. Libraries will benefit from having the export all ILL Requests option, being able to retrieve all ILLs at once, instead of having to select each branch individually and right-click to export each item.

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